Portuguese Business Ethics Association
Contribute to a model of ethical and sustainable organizational development.
APEE aims to assist in creating and supporting a Sustainable Development model illuminated by ethical principles and values. This includes environmental considerations, such as harmony with the planet and its available resources.
– Socially, the focus is on inclusion, diversity, and the pursuit of happiness, ensuring that no one is left behind.
– Economically, APEE supports organizations that promote the creation of shared value for all stakeholders, embracing their fair share of social responsibility within a productive and dignified working ecosystem.
APEE rejects and combats any distortion of the free market through corruption or the illegitimate use of dominant positions, recognizing the regulatory role of the State as an agent of the collective interest of society.
The Ai.ethics platform is an initiative of thePortuguese Business Ethics Association (APEE) and the United Nations Association Portugal (UNA PT)